Monday, July 22, 2013

1 month: Growing baby

Max is 1 month today! Sometimes I can't believe it's already been a month and other times I can't believe it's only been a month! So much has changed since June 22. It feels like just since the last post so much has changed. Max is getting better at lifting and holding his head, he's eating more and he's definitely bigger because he can finally fit into his 0-3 month clothes!

We had a rough start to the past week with Max hitting the 3 week growth spurt. Just when we thought we had a routine figured out. Luckily, we think that is over and we seem to be back in a good sleeping/eating routine. Max and mom went to the mommy group where they had a sleep aide talking about sleeping habits and getting them into a sleep schedule. Since the group, Max has taken a full nap in his (huge) crib!

This was the first week/weekend that we haven't had any visitors so we ran some errands as a family. Max does really well sleeping in his car seat and we're confident he'll continue to do that once we can take him to public places. The heat wave finally broke so we were also able to take a walk as a family on Sunday night.

Here are links to two videos of tummy time. One was at the beginning of last week and the second was at the end of the week. Look at the progress in just a few days! He'll be sitting up in no time.

And, of course, here are some photos from the week.

Sleeping on daddy.

So many facial expressions these days!

Hangin with mommy.

Happy Birthday to Uncle Matt!

He's a drooler.

1 month old! 

1 comment:

  1. he is growing so fast! i can't stand it! he is too darn cute!!!
