Monday, August 19, 2013

Professional Photos

The link below will take you to Shutterfly where you can view all of Max's professional photos and order copies, if you would like!

P.S. We did make a few copies for grandparents and great-grandparents so you might want to wait until after Labor Day to order anything.

Weeks 6 & 7: Busy bees!

It has been a LONG TIME since we updated the blog because we have been busy, busy, busy! Aunt Lindsay was here for a whole week and Max got to do so many fun things! Some pictures are below, but here's a quick rundown of his time with Aunt Lindsay. We had dinner at the beach, went to New York City and walked around Central Park, had a beach day, took a few shopping trips and went wine tasting! Max also got his first set of vaccinations. He cried with the shots (a cry mom had never heard before), but did really well the next few days. It was so nice to have Aunt Lindsay here for a whole week. She was SO helpful and we had so much fun the whole week and really miss her already. Max also now has a handmade mobile to look at when he's in his crib.

The next week mom and Max spent some time catching up on stuff around the house and hanging out with some of Max's friends from the mommy group. On Friday night Aunt Amy arrived for the weekend and got to meet Max, finally! While she was here we had another beach day and did some site-seeing in New York City again, but this time down in the financial district. Again, it was so great to have her help and we can't wait to see everyone again in just a few weeks.

A few more exciting things going on in Max's life are a few real smiles here and there. Also, a lot of talking/cooing. And Max got two new toys activity mat that has a piano on the end so when he kicks it plays music and a swing! Pretty soon our living room is going to be full of baby toys!

We saw a double rainbow the night we had dinner at the beach!

Couldn't resist a photo of the adorable hoodie.

With mom and dad in Central Park. 

Beach baby!

Sleeping in mom's bed.

First time at Dairy Queen!

 Fun at our last winery. Max was in the moby most of the time.

Look at my blue eyes! They get more blue every day.

Tummy time!

Max's room complete with the mobile.

Waking up with Auny Amy.

 Dipping my feet in the ocean!

Enjoying bathtime! This was a first.

 Max & Aunt Amy at the beach.

Max & Aunt Lindsay at the winery.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Week 5: Public places

This post is a little late, but it's here nonetheless! Rob had a few days off this week, which was wonderful and we're just now catching up on everything. Here are a few fun things Max has done since we last wrote:

Max had his 4 week check up and weighed 10.1 lbs! 2 pounds bigger than his birth weight-what a big boy! Everything else was given a clean bill of health.

Max's Grandma Bonnie and Grandma Sue came to visit for a few days and he got to spend a lot of time with them while mom and dad ran some errands, went to lunch and went to a movie! Max also went to his first restaurant on Friday night! We were trying to wait until he got his first set of vaccinations, but I was jealous of all of my fb friends taking their younger babies out into public. After consulting the mommy and me group, we felt ok about taking him out and keeping him covered so no germs could get to him. Luckily, no one asked to see him so we didn't have to awkwardly say no. Max also saw his first movie, Brave, at the beach on Saturday night.

On Tuesday mom and Max got invited to one of the other mommy's house for lunch and we got to spend some time with all his little buddies! It was refreshing to spend some time with other moms my age and babies his age.

Some other adventures included a trip to the grocery store, a walk around the neighborhood and a drive to Laguardia! Aunt Lindsay is arriving tomorrow for a whole week, so we will have lots to share on the next post.

Family photo before Brave begins.

Spending some time outside with mom now that it has cooled down.

Practicing my fishy face.

 Love this shirt!

 Where I hang out when mom is getting ready.

More Max faces.

Go Tigers!

Taking a nap outside with mom and Chloe.